27th September 2013
City and Hackney doctors and patients win their fight to take back their out of hours services
City and Hackney campaigners celebrated a major victory on 27th September 2013. Local GPs acting together as City and Hackney Urgent Healthcare Social Enterprise (CHUHSE), won back the contract to provide Out of Hours care for their patients.
The GPs, and their hundreds of local supporters, have fought for two years to recover this contract from a private healthcare company. CHUHSE would have started the new contract in April 2013 but new laws required the GPs to go through a money wasting and time wasting commercial tendering process. Please click here for more detailed information. City and Hackney residents have backed their GPs all the way and their hard work has paid off.
This is a massive success. Not only does it mean that the failing and under-resourced service has been delivered into the hands of the patients’ own trusted GPs who have plans for an enhanced service, it also means that the private sector has been kept out of City & Hackney Out of Hours care for another 4 years. This means that the private sector has lost its foothold in City & Hackney’s health service, making it much harder to gobble up other contracts that might be put out to tender in the future. The wolf has been kept from the door!
- See more at: http://saveournhs-el.org.uk/?page_id=17272#sthash.UYK50Erf.dpuf
City and Hackney doctors and patients win their fight to take back their out of hours services
City and Hackney campaigners celebrated a major victory on 27th September 2013. Local GPs acting together as City and Hackney Urgent Healthcare Social Enterprise (CHUHSE), won back the contract to provide Out of Hours care for their patients.
The GPs, and their hundreds of local supporters, have fought for two years to recover this contract from a private healthcare company. CHUHSE would have started the new contract in April 2013 but new laws required the GPs to go through a money wasting and time wasting commercial tendering process. Please click here for more detailed information. City and Hackney residents have backed their GPs all the way and their hard work has paid off.
This is a massive success. Not only does it mean that the failing and under-resourced service has been delivered into the hands of the patients’ own trusted GPs who have plans for an enhanced service, it also means that the private sector has been kept out of City & Hackney Out of Hours care for another 4 years. This means that the private sector has lost its foothold in City & Hackney’s health service, making it much harder to gobble up other contracts that might be put out to tender in the future. The wolf has been kept from the door!
- See more at: http://saveournhs-el.org.uk/?page_id=17272#sthash.UYK50Erf.dpuf